If you live with asthma, heart and other lung conditions, Air quality alerts let know when areas are experiencing poor air quality – and when to avoid doing intense outdoor exercise.
The forecasts also indicate when you are likely to need higher levels of symptom-relieving medication.
Using the Kent Connected App can help all of us find the smartest and sustainable way to make our journey through the county.
The app features public rights of way, Ordnance Survey map layers and Explore Kent walking and cycling routes to help you get out and about which is great for health and wellbeing in ways that:
- save you time and money
- improve the quality of your journey and the air you breathe
- help ease traffic congestion
Other ways to join in Clean Air Day 2024 on Thursday 20 June include:
- considering leaving the car behind for one day a week – and walking, cycling or wheeling to work or school
- not leaving your parked vehicle engine running and ‘idling’
- only using approved smokeless fuels if you have to heat your home using a wood burner – find out more about the rules around burning at home to protect your neighbourhood’s health
“Clean Air Day ...helps raise awareness of the many ways we can all get involved in reducing harmful emissions”
Kent County Council Director of Public Health, Dr Anjan Ghosh, said: "Air pollution is a major risk to health the world over.
“As well as being linked to over 43,000 deaths a year in the UK, poor air quality causes asthma, heart disease and cancers.
“Clean Air Day is a reminder of these stark facts and helps raise awareness of the many ways we can all get involved in reducing harmful emissions.”
Find out more about how air pollution impacts our mental, physical and planet’s health and the work of the Kent and Medway Air Quality Partnership by visiting:
You can also:
- use this clean air hub calculator to reduce your emissions and protect your health
- download free Clean Air Day resources to run events
- get involved in the Greener Kent campaign – which has advice and ideas for everyone. If you are part of a business or community group that is interested in joining our environmental networks or collaborating with us, we’d love to hear from you at GreenerKent@kent.gov.uk
- visit Explore Kent for information and inspiration about enjoying our county’s great outdoors in sustainable ways