
The press office responds to press enquiries from journalists about KCC services and policies between 8am and 6pm.

If you are not a member of the media, please visit the Kent County Council website to get information or find out how to contact us.

The duty press officer outside of office hours is Lucy Mayor on 07850 907407.

We can arrange TV, newspaper, magazine and radio interviews with Cabinet, Lead Members and senior officers. If you cannot get through to a specific communications officer, call 03000 41 80 80.

Communications Officers

  • Lucy Mayor

    Corporate Communications Manager

    Media contact for crisis communications and emergency planning, Kent Resilience Forum/ EU Exit (Planning and Response) Democratic, legal and information services, finance, devolution, HR, economic development including broadband, the Chairman’s Office, the Lord Lieutenant, military and Trading Standards.

  • Jo Godden

    Corporate Communications Officer

    Media contact for Kent Resilience Forum planning and response, post-Brexit arrangements and KCC corporate remits (see details for Lucy Mayor).

  • Ellis Stephenson

    Communications Officer for education and communities

    Media contact for schools, adult education, libraries, sports and culture, travellers, coroners’ courts. Also includes the No Use Empty Scheme, Kent Scientific Services and the Police and Crime Panel.

  • Justine Wingate

    Communications Officer for adult social care, children and young people

    Media contact for social services for adults and children, including refugees and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, fostering, adoption, care homes, safeguarding issues, disability and blue badges. Also covers the Film Office.

  • Mabel Jenkin-Smith

    Communications Officer for environment, transport and waste

    Media contact for highways, roadworks, potholes, Kent Travel Saver Card, road safety, flooding and drainage, planning and environment teams, delivery of new major transport schemes, household waste and recycling sites, Public Rights of Way and country parks.

  • Scarlett Elworthy

    Communications Officer for Public Health

    Media contact for infectious diseases and outbreaks including COVID-19, Strep A and Bird Flu. Seasonal health issues such as extreme weather health advice, heatwaves, cold weather alerts, Flu and Norovirus. Media enquiries about smoking, vaping, alcohol and drugs and healthy weight services.