The plan sets out the policies against which all planning applications for waste management and mineral extraction are decided by KCC.
KCC is also reviewing its Mineral Sites Plan and is seeking additional hard rock capacity to meet Kent’s needs.
As part of this work it is undertaking a ‘call for sites’. Interested parties can put forward sites to be considered for potential allocation. Comments are also invited on the site selection methodology via
“The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan sets out how the council will deal with planning applications when development is proposed. It’s been reviewed and updated to make sure it follows the latest government guidelines.”
KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Susan Carey said:
"The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan sets out how the council will deal with planning applications when development is proposed. It’s been reviewed and updated to make sure it follows the latest government guidelines."
"Furthermore, the policies within it will help develop a ‘circular economy’ so that waste from Kent is, as far as possible, reused and processed here in Kent. This is the moment when people can have their say on what’s proposed and help to shape the plan."
Once the consultation closes, the responses will be reviewed to inform the next stage of the plan making process. You can register for updates on this at
The consultation, available at, will run for six weeks from today (24 October) to 5 December.
For queries or requests for hard copies, email or call 03000 41 33 76 referencing KMWLP.
For alternative formats, email or call 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service number 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.