Have your say during KCC's budget consultation

There is still time to have your say on the setting of the Kent County Council (KCC) budget for 2025-26.

The consultation - which ends on 7 August - asks for residents’ views on council tax proposals, services that should be prioritised and why, and ideas for cost savings and income generation.

The setting of that budget is once again a challenging process. The estimated budget gap is £81 million and with some of the authority’s reserves having been used to reinforce recent years’ budgets, further tough choices will need to be considered.

Significant spending demands and cost increases, largely for the most vulnerable residents in the areas of adult and children’s social care and home to school transport, continue to squeeze the budget.

The Government requires local authorities to deliver a balanced budget, which means planned spending must be managed within funding available.

The priority is to make the most efficient use of taxpayers’ money while focusing on protecting vital services to the most vulnerable people in Kent.

To get involved visit: www.kent.gov.uk/budget

If you are unable to take part online, a hard copy of the questionnaire can be requested via our Alternative Formats team.

Email: alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421 553 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 421 553).

This number goes to an answering machine which is monitored during office hours.

Notes to editors

  • KCC is the largest local authority in the country, serving a population of 1.6 million with a gross budget in the region of £2.3 billion (excluding schools) and net budget of £1.4bn after service income and specific grants.
  • The majority of the Council’s day-to-day spending is on Adults and Older People’s Social Care, Children’s Social Care and Transport Services, and these services in particular have been under significant spending pressure over the past two years.