The current service offers weekly one-hour classes for up to 36 weeks to help older adults improve their strength and balance and reduce the risk of falls.
But Kent has an ageing population and not enough of us are active enough to enjoy a good quality of life and health, especially in our later years. Some of our communities are affected by these trends more than others.
Those involved in the existing service also tell us sessions need to fit in better with daily life and be easier to get to.
Given this, feedback is wanted on:
- switching to a shorter, more intensive, 12-week programme of classes
- offering more classes in more locations in communities that would benefit most
- offering support earlier in life, from age 50 – so people aren’t just focused on stopping themselves from falling but also get to enjoy being more mobile and sociable
The consultation runs to midnight on Tuesday, 17 December 2024.
All the ways to take part can be found at www.kent.gov.uk/posturalstability.
Funding for the proposed new service would remain unchanged and people would continue to self-refer or be referred by professionals.
But it would be delivered differently, with organisations able to apply for KCC grants to provide suitable local activities close to where people live.
Up to now, the existing service – one of many helping older residents in Kent move more – has been run by a single provider in East Kent and one in West Kent.
Under the proposed new service, grants of up to £3000 a year for a maximum of three years would be available and reviewed on a yearly basis to ensure the activities offered were effective.
Views are particularly wanted on:
- organisations coming together to submit joint bids
- giving community-led projects the opportunity to bid
All applications would need to show how they plan to help participants complete the 12-week course and motivate them to remain active once it ends.
“If you have lived experience about ageing well, or expert knowledge of providing health and wellbeing support for older adults, we’re particularly interested in hearing from you about the proposed changes to our existing postural service”
KCC Director of Public Health, Dr Anjan Ghosh, said: “Tackling inactivity is vital for ageing well.
“In the short term, moving more improves your sleep, reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure.
"Longer term, it can boost heart and brain health, cut the risk of several cancers and will enable you to do the things you want to do for longer – such as socialising with friends, playing with the grandchildren and living independently.
“If you have lived experience about ageing well, or expert knowledge of providing health and wellbeing support for older adults, we’re particularly interested in hearing from you about the proposed changes to our existing postural service.”
- Feedback from the consultation is expected to be presented to Members of the Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee in July 2025 ahead of any final decision being taken.