This means that 66,800 more adults are being active on a regular basis in our county than when the survey started in 2016.
However, more work is needed when diving into the data and seeing that women, those from lower socio-economic groups, people with a disability or long-term health condition and Black and Asian people are still less likely to be active, with lingering negative attitudes towards it in some of those groups.
To address those inequalities and in a bid to encourage different attitudes, Active Kent & Medway continues to collaborate with organisations working with under-represented groups.
Through the Together Fund - which allows community groups and organisations to reduce inequalities in some groups - 66 projects have been supported, engaging with more than 6,350 participants.
The Together Fund report highlights the successes, impact and learnings from the fund with highlights including:
- Woodland Warriors Wheelchair Rugby League Project
- Shishu Kishor Club Community Swimming Project
- TKO Folkestone and Parkinson’s UK Project
Active Kent & Medway’s Everyday Active Campaign aims to support people become more active more often by providing and promoting information on local opportunities, advice and personal stories, through the website, social media and with support from Everyday Active Champions.
For anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and feel more confident about having conversations with others to help get them more active, training and resources are also available.
Move Together, Kent and Medway’s strategy for sport and physical activity, sets out the goal of working together to support those who are already active, as well as tackling the inequalities that currently prevent some from enjoying the benefits that moving more in our everyday lives can bring to our physical and mental wellbeing.
“The Move Together strategy sets out how we can all work together so everyone, whatever their age, gender, background, ability, or circumstance can enjoy the benefits of being active and playing sport.”
KCC’s Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services, Clair Bell, said: “Improving people’s lives through sport and physical activity can only be achieved through collaboration and partnership working.
“The Move Together strategy sets out how we can all work together so everyone, whatever their age, gender, background, ability, or circumstance can enjoy the benefits of being active and playing sport.”
Active Partnership Director, Liz Davidson, said: "Whilst we are delighted to see long-term growth in adult activity levels across the county, we recognise that there is still lots to be done to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of being physically active.
"Collaboration and partnership working is key to this and ensuring that local organisations and community groups are supported in their work to help those most in need and least active to access sport and other activities. Creating the opportunities and conditions for more people to be more active more often.”
Notes to editors
Active Kent & Medway
Active Kent & Medway (formerly known as Kent Sport) is the local active partnership for Kent and Medway. We are one of 43 Active Partnerships in England who work collaboratively with local partners to ensure the power of physical activity and sport can transform lives. Our Vision: More people, more active, more often. Our Mission: Improving lives through sport and physical activity.
Our principal funders are Sport England and Kent County Council, whose strategies set the direction of our work and activity. Kent County Council also hosts the partnership in its offices, providing support services, and is the employer of our staff team. We also work with and are supported financially by Medway Council and the 12 district and borough councils across the county.
Sport England Active Lives Survey
Sport England, established by Royal Charter in 1996, are determined to give everyone in England the chance to benefit from sport and physical activity. They run two surveys: Active Lives Adult and the world-leading Active Lives Children and Young People, which is published annually. Both give a unique and comprehensive view of how people are getting active at national and local level. A summary of the findings of their latest Adult report can be read here. You can also explore and filter the data yourself using the Active Lives Online tool. A summary of the latest Children and Young People report can be found here.
For more information, please contact Karley Hubbard, Insight, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Active Kent & Medway on email or Ellis Stephenson at the KCC Press Office on 03000 419089 or email