Schemes to make more of Kent smokefree on way

Child on yellow slide in outdoor play area

New smokefree spaces are being rolled out across Kent.

The spaces will be introduced in various locations ranging from public parks and play areas to high streets and outside schools to:

  • deter smokers from smoking tobacco in public spaces and vaping around children and young people
  • protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke
  • raise awareness of local support to stop smoking
  • reduce litter
  • help create an environment where children see not smoking as normal

Promoted by signs warning of the dangers of secondhand smoke, and detailing help to quit, smokefree spaces are being set up by the relevant local authority in:

  • Ashford
  • Dover
  • Gravesham
  • Maidstone
  • Thanet
  • Swale

Smokefree spaces will also be created at three healthy living centres, including in Dartford, plus the Fusion in Maidstone and The Grand in Gravesend.

Local councils will design their own signs to let residents know where the smokefree areas are.

The smokefree spaces project is funded by grants from Kent County Council’s (KCC) £1.9million share of the Government’s ‘Stopping the start' money pot.

The central support was set up to aid work in 2024/2025 that helps the nation towards the goal of becoming smokefree.

Long term exposure to secondhand smoke in the UK is estimated to cost over 10,000 deaths a year.

It can also cause many of the same health issues as direct smoking, including:

  • a number of cancers
  • heart disease
  • increased risk of dementia

It is particularly damaging to:

  • CHILDREN – who can develop breathing problems, asthma, and allergies
  • PREGNANT WOMEN – who can experience premature birth
  • VULNERABLE PEOPLE – with heart and breathing conditions

The best way to protect yourself and others is to stop smoking and there is free support available to help you...

Dr Anjan Ghosh Kent County Council Director of Public Health

KCC’s Director of Public Health, Dr Anjan Ghosh, said: “Secondhand smoke is invisible and often has no smell. But no matter how careful you think you're being, people around you still breathe in the harmful poisons.

"The best way to protect yourself and others is to stop smoking and there is free support available to help you do this. Just visit to find the best quit route for you to find the best quit route for you.

“While vaping can help adult smokers stop smoking, anyone who doesn’t smoke should not vape. It’s not risk-free and its effects on undeveloped lungs not fully understood. It means adults using vapes as quit aides can also help protect children and young people by not using the devices around them.”

Councillor Dan Watkins

There’s also no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke

Dan Watkins Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

KCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Dan Watkins, said: “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the UK.

“New figures from University College London research suggest each cigarette a person smokes could shorten their life by 20 minutes – and a 10-a-day smoker will have saved themselves a day of their life 8 days after quitting. There’s also no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.

“Working with our local councils to deter smoking, and also vaping around children and young people, will help save lives."

  • Kent County Council has expanded its Stop Smoking Service to help Kent smokers find the best quit route. In addition to the One You Stop Smoking Service, there is now free access to the Allen Carr Easyway method and an additional Outreach Stop Smoking Service to support residents in the community. Find the best quit route for you at - it’s well worth it!