There are new appointments in portfolios for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Community and Regulatory Services, Highways and Transport and Communications and People.
Clair Bell moves into the role of Community and Regulatory Services, replacing Mike Hill, who has stepped down from the Cabinet after 18 years.

Dan Watkins
Dan Watkins takes on Cllr Bell’s previous position as Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, stepping up from Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.
Neil Baker succeeds David Brazier in Highways and Transport.
Dylan Jeffrey takes on the role of Cabinet Member for Communications and Democratic Services. This reconfigures the Communications and People portfolio, formerly held by Shellina Prendergast. Cllr Jeffrey was previously Deputy Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services.

Neil Baker
The remainder of the Cabinet is unchanged – Rory Love holds the Cabinet position for Education and Skills, Sue Chandler is Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services, Susan Carey continues as Cabinet Member for Environment and Derek Murphy remains Cabinet Member for Economic Development.
Deputy Leader of KCC Peter Oakford also continues in his role as Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services. He will also now oversee KCC’s Human Resources function.

Dylan Jeffrey
Announcing the changes Mr Gough said: “These changes to the Cabinet give us a renewed team that will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing the Council, including the significant pressures we as an authority are continuing to face.
“These are profoundly challenging times and we will drive forward with the urgent and necessary decisions to balance our budget and secure Kent’s future for our residents.
“I’d like to thank those Cabinet Members who are stepping down from their roles for their significant contributions, and in particular to thank Mike Hill for the enduring commitment, care and wisdom he has brought to his Cabinet position for the last 18 years.”
Changes to other roles will be announced in the coming days.
Further information
For more on how the Cabinet operates at KCC, visit: