The updated plans mean the work that began in September 2023 to improve the junction by installing a new second bridge over the A249, will now be completed by June 2025 instead of the end of 2024 as originally anticipated.
KCC’s contractor building the scheme said the delay was caused in part by constraints on the traffic management, where the southbound A249 had to be fully reopened at the end of last year while alternative solutions were found to prevent extensive delays to traffic leaving the Isle of Sheppey, along with further restrictions applied while Network Rail undertake urgent repairs to the nearby Kingsferry Bridge.
Issues with trapping reptiles found on site, so they could be safely relocated, and delays with utility works have also contributed to the extended timeline.
Based on current estimates, the northbound exit and entry slip roads, heading towards the Isle of Sheppey, will reopen in August 2024; near enough the same time as the new bridge deck is installed; with traffic management on the A249 due to be lifted in January 2025 and all other roadworks being complete by May 2025.
“I understand the news of the delay... will be disappointing to many.”
KCC’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Neil Baker, said: “I understand the news of the delay to our timeline for the A249 Grovehurst Road Improvement Scheme will be disappointing to many.
“The additional time that our traffic management has put on peoples’ journeys is something that we monitor very closely and keep under constant review.
“With a clearer timeline, we will be able to concentrate our efforts on making sure our project remains on track so the people living and working around the A249 can look forward to smoother and more reliable journeys.”
Notes to editors
The A249 Grovehurst Road Improvement Scheme will unlock new homes planned along the A249 corridor from the junction with the M2 to the Isle of Sheppey. The improvements include altering the slip and approach roads to the junction, service diversions, changing traffic signals, lighting and major earthwork operations. This will increase capacity on the road network and provide the infrastructure needed for the proposed housing plans in Swale and is being paid for through the government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund and developer contributions.