Having explored the options, KCC is proposing to permanently leave the Folkestone Library building at 2 Grace Hill and find an alternative town centre location for the library and registration service.
Subject to this consultation and decision process, we are proposing to take forward the detailed work needed with Folkestone & Hythe District Council to move the library to the FOLCA building in the heart of Folkestone in the former Debenhams store.
KCC would continue to provide a full range of library and registration services at the new location including the book lending service, children’s library, space for activities and studying, public computers and wifi, local studies collection, birth and death registrations, bookable meeting rooms and more.
Folkestone Library closed in December 2022 after it became unsafe for staff and customers.
People can access the consultation document and complete a questionnaire by visiting the website or picking up a paper copy at any of the libraries in the Folkestone and Hythe district.
Four public drop-in events have been planned so people can talk to officers and ask questions. Wood Avenue Library will host two, the first session on 30th July between 10:30am and 1pm and the second on 12th August between 2pm and 5pm.
Further sessions will take place at Folkestone Library Heritage and Digital Access at 5 Grace Hill, Folkestone, on 7th August between 5pm and 7pm and 10th August between 10:30am and 1pm.
“I would encourage everyone to read our consultation document to see what we are proposing and to complete a questionnaire...”
KCC’s Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services, Clair Bell, said: “I recognise the strength of local feeling and interest expressed on the future town centre location for our valued library and registration service as well as the future of the Grace Hill building. We promised that we would consult with people on our proposals.
“Our discussions with Folkestone & Hythe District Council have progressed positively to the point where we believe FOLCA is the best long-term location for the library and registration service.
“The work that would be required of us to make the Grace Hill building safe again is significant and the funds are unfortunately not available in the current financial climate.
“I would encourage everyone to read our consultation document to see what we are proposing and to complete a questionnaire to tell us their views.”
People can review the proposals and have their say from today [Thursday 18th July] until midnight on Wednesday 11th September by visiting www.kent.gov.uk/folkestonelibrary.
For queries or requests for hard copies, email AKL@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 41 64 38 between 9am to 6pm on weekdays and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.
For alternative formats, email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421553 (text relay service number 18001 03000 421553).
The alternative formats phone number goes through to an answer machine, which is monitored during office hours.