As a result of a Kent schools’ Christmas card competition, a drawing by a pupil from St Stephen’s Infant School will be on its way on behalf of the council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Rory Love.
The drawing by Sarrinah was chosen from a shortlist of the best entries put forward by schools from hundreds of pictures drawn by pupils.
Mr Love visited the school in Hales Drive to present Sarrinah with a winner’s certificate and one of the Christmas cards featuring her drawing.
The school’s art coordinator, Emma Louise West, said: "Our pupils took great pride in taking part in the competition. Every child submitted an entry, embracing the traditional festive theme and we were delighted when we heard that Sarrinah had been chosen as the winner.
"She was very excited to meet Mr Love and helped show him around our school after receiving her certificate and one of the printed Christmas cards."
“I launched this initiative to show off the artistic talents of primary pupils across Kent”
Mr Love said: "I launched this initiative to show off the artistic talents of primary pupils across Kent. I was thrilled to meet Sarrinah, who was thoughtful, polite, and clearly very creative. She showed me around the school, introducing me to all the classes, some of whom were busy creating Christmas trees and making gingerbread men. She took great pride in introducing me to the school’s guinea pigs, and telling me all about them.
"I am now sending her card to our key education contacts across Kent and beyond."
After the presentation, Mr Love and KCC's Assistant Director for Education in East Kent, Robert Veale, discussed matters relating to education in the area with the headteacher, Alice Edgington, and the CEO of the Inspira Academy Trust, Dean Jones.