An update on the A249 Bearsted Road Improvement scheme

A roadworks warning road sign in front on two highway barriers

Kent County Council (KCC) is seeking a new contractor to deliver improvements to the A249 Bearsted Road after rising costs made the project unaffordable.

The scheme aims to increase junction capacity by signalising both the A249 Bearsted Road roundabout and the New Cut Road roundabout, which will also be enlarged, and four lanes installed between the roundabouts.

The cost to deliver the scheme has increased beyond the budget available, primarily due to inflation, and would be KCC’s responsibility to fund as the Highway Authority. Given the current financial climate, KCC is unable to shoulder these additional costs.

However, by going back to the competitive market, a more cost-effective solution for the construction can be found and, over the next four months, KCC will be seeking a new contractor to deliver the main construction works.

In the meantime, KCC has been working with utility companies and the landowners of the adjacent land to carry out off road works, further surveys and investigations, to make sure that when the scheme resumes in 2025, project construction risks are kept to a minimum.

Once a new contractor has been approved, information around the programme and traffic management, including road closures and night works, will be published on  the Kent County Council website:  A249 Bearsted Road improvement scheme - Kent County Council