Kent County Council starts enforcement of moving traffic offences

A road sign with an image of a camera and below it the sign reads: "Traffic enforcement cameras"

Kent County Council (KCC) has introduced the first moving traffic offences enforcement sites in Ashford to help reduce dangerous manoeuvres, congestion and disruption on the road network.

In 2022, the Government announced that local authorities in England outside of London will be able to apply to the Secretary of State for new powers to enforce moving traffic offences which previously could only be enforced by the police.

The powers mean KCC can enforce moving traffic offences such as driving through ‘no entry’ signs, banned turns, entering yellow box junctions when the exit is not clear, and driving vehicles on routes marked for buses and taxis only.

KCC will enforce moving traffic offences through the use of ANPR cameras which are now in place at Beaver Road in Ashford. This bus gate is for use by local buses, licensed hackney carriages and cyclists only.

KCC will initially start with a six-month warning period after the enforcement cameras have gone live, where drivers will only receive a warning notice after the first offence has been observed.

Penalty Charged Notices (PCNs) will, however, be issued to the vehicle owner for a repeat offence within the first six months and for a first (or subsequent) offence at the end of the six-month warning period.

I am pleased that we have taken on these enforcement powers which will make a difference to the highway network.

Neil Baker Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Neil Baker, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “I am pleased that we have taken on these enforcement powers which will make a difference to the highway network.

‘With better enforcement, this will improve compliance at this site, making the roads safer, less congested for all road users and improve public transport in Ashford.”

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